Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips

Email Marketing Tips are the for the people who are working online or doing any business related to product’s sale and purchase.To increase sale or purchase of  products they want to enhance their business. To do marketing or to tell the people about their products they use the information technology in the form of emails.For this purpose they use different email marketing softwares to send their emails without junk.
Marketing via email is a tricky matter. It is powerful, but easily abused. It is easy, but really difficult. May these tips, tricks and secrets make it easy and powerful for you.

Some sites with tips are as

  1. Address Recipients with Their Name in Email Campaigns 
    Make your newsletter recipients feel more like themselves, less like mere numbers by greeting them individually and personally.
  2. Avoid $$$ Signs in Email Marketing Campaigns 
    Why "$$$" won't bring you $$$.
  3. Avoid Email Marketing During the Holidays 
    Holidays are often holidays from email, too. That's why email marketing during the holidays is often not very effective.
  4. Avoid Mistyped Addresses by Requiring Retyping
    Avoiding having people enter @htomail.cmo and in the signup form for your newsletter.
  5. Create a Clear Call to Action in Email Marketing Campaigns 
    Make sure recipients of your email marketing message know what you expect them to do (and what they can expect in return).
  6. Defining Opt-In Email Marketing 
    My newsletter is "opt-in", sure! What that means? Um... well. yes.
  7. Don't "Fix" Mistyped Email Addresses 
    Never fiddle with your subscribers' email addresses, not even if they obviously can't type.
  8. Don't Forget the Preview Pane in Your Campaign 
    Move the boring stuff down the page, and greet recipients with your best offer instead.
  9. Email Marketing Needs to Reflect Your Corporate Design 
    If it's your email marketing, make people see instantly that it is your email marketing.
  10. Emphasize with Words, Not Exclamation Marks in Your Copy 
    The path to successful email marketing is not paved with exclamation marks.
  11. Experiment with Link Placement in Newsletters 
    Maximize performance by putting the right links in the right places.
  12. Get Subscribers Through Cooperation with the Competition 
    Make the pie of newsletter subscribers larger together.
  13. Getting the Names of Anonymous Subscribers I 
    Turn your anonymous users into subscribers you can greet personally — by asking them for their name.
  14. Getting the Names of Anonymous Subscribers II 
    Who doesn't want to be greeted with her name?
  15. How to Get Newsletter Subscribers with Sweepstakes 
    Build your list with sweepstakes, but keep an eye on the quality of your subscribers.
  16. How to Interpret Email Newsletter Open Rates 
    What the open rate of an email marketing campaign or newsletter can tell you -- and what it can't.
  17. HTML or Plain Text: Let Your Recipients Decide 
    If you can't decide whether you should publish your newsletter as HTML or plain text, do both and let your recipients decide individually which they prefer.
  18. Include an Easy to Use Unsubscription Link in Newsletters 
    Unhappy subscribers are worse than no subscribers. An easy and fail-safe way to unsubscribe is a way to make subscribers happy.
  19. Inform Your ISP About Your Email Marketing Activities 
    The connection to your ISP is one of the most important. So make sure they know that you're sending legitimate bulk email and won't disconnect you as a spammer.
  20. Instruments of Email Marketing 
    There is more to email marketing than personalized mass mails and newsletters. Discover all the forms and instruments of effective email marketing.
  21. Learn from Spam 
    Spammers can teach you a lot about email marketing.
  22. Make HTML and Plain Text Parts Have Corresponding Content 
    To make it more difficult for spam to fool them, spam filters check that the plain text and HTML parts of email messages do correspond.
  23. Make it Easy for Subscribers to Change Their Email Address 
    Lose one address, gain another, retain a subscriber when a user's email address changes.
  24. Make Landing Pages Fit Your Email Marketing Campaign 
    An email marketing campaign is nothing without a landing page, so make sure it visually belongs to its campaign and does not irritate the user.
  25. Make Sure Unusbscriptions are Effectiv
    Avoid a spam-like impression by making sure unsubscriptions from your newsletters or email marketing lists go into effect immediately.
  26. Make Sure Your Email Marketing ASP is Opt-In Only 
    How does an opt-in list go together with being blocked and filtered as a spammer? It may be your email marketing service provider's fault.
  27.  Marketing: If You Use Sound, Make Sure it Rocks 
    No audio is better than weak audio, but... audio that rocks can boost your email marketing campaign.
  28. Motivate People to Sign Up for Your Newsletter with a Bonus 
    An additional bonus can improve the chance that somebody will sign up for your newsletter significantly.
  29. Newsletter Content Ideas: Asking the User's Questions 
    Content ideas usually have this form: "How can I do this?". So how can I get great content ideas?
  30. Newsletter Content Ideas: Press Summary 
    Consolidating news provides a useful service to your newsletter subscribers, and it shows your expertise in the field, too.
  31. Newsletter Content Ideas: The Calendar and Holidays 
    If you are searching for inspiration for your newsletter, all you need may be a holiday. The year is rich in holidays, occasions and festivities to write about or to relate to.
  32. Prefill Forms on Landing Pages 
    Make purchasing easy by prefilling forms on pages reached from your newsletter.
  33. Prioritize Newsletter Content for More Clicks 
    Here's a cheap and easy way to personalize and optimize the content in your newsletter for individual recipients.
  34. Put Newsletter Sign-up Boxes on Every Page 
    Make sure visitors can sign up to your newsletter when and where they want.
  35. Reply to Requests Within 1 Day 
    You've got 24 hours to win — or lose — a customer, so be sure to reply to emails within a day.
  36. Rule of Thumb How Often to Send Your Newsletter 
    Find the right frequency for your email marketing efforts.
  37. Rule of Thumb When to Send Your Newsletter 
    Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday? Which day will work best?
  38. Sales Pitch Makes No Newsletter 
    Newsletter subscribers expect and deserve content, which salespeak alone is not.
  39. Send Newsletters at Least Once a Month 
    If you send your newsletter less often, your subscribers may forget about you and their signing up, and perceive your mailing as spam.
  40. Send Newsletters On Time 
    Weekly, adv.: every week; etc. Here's why it's important to send your newsletter periodically, and on time.
  41. Send Your Email Marketing Messages as Multipart/Alternative 
    Get the best of both worlds and give those who prefer HTML a rich version and those who prefer plain text and plain alternative — automatically and easily.
  42. Successful Email Marketing is 1-to-1 Permission Marketing 
    The vision of email marketing: every customer is a special customer.
  43. Test the Layout of Your Newsletter with Email Clients 
    Make sure your email marketing message looks good not only in your email program, but in your recipient's, too.
  44. Test the Links in Your Email Marketing Messages 
    If recipients can't click through to your site from your email marketing message, all other efforts were in vain.
  45. The Difference Between Opt-In and Double Opt-In 
    Do you want your email marketing single opt-in or double-sized? Find out what the difference between single and double opt-in means.
  46. Use a Template for Your Email Newsletter 
    A template is something to cling to, and something your readers will recognize.
  47. Use Absolute URLs in Email Marketing Messages, Newsletters 
    Relative URLs will fail to bring people from your newsletter to your site. Absolutely.
  48. Use Bold Face for Emphasis in Email Marketing 
    Make important text stand out in your email marketing efforts by using bold face.
  49. Use Your Brand in the Subject 
    Spark interest, and make your recipients comfortable with opening your marketing messages.
  50. Use Your Name in the From: Line 
    People don't like to read mail from strangers or robots. But messages From: a name they know and trust are welcome.
  51. User Questions Mean Great Content for Newsletters 
    Tell them exactly what they want to know in your newsletter. A fabulous way to find out what your subscribers do want to know is reading their emails.