1. When we purchase any thing through our credit card over a specific period of time then company returns us some of the percentage as rewards program in CASH BACK RETURN...
  2.  CASH BACK RETURN is a type of rewards program that offers a percentage cash rebate on purchases made to a credit card....
  3. A percentage of the total amount spent on our credit card over a specific period of time, usually monthly or quarterly returns to us is called CASH BACK RETURN.


  1. Cash back is a type of rewards program that offers a percentage cash rebate on purchases made to a credit card.
  1. The new 95% financing now offers customers the chance to benifit from the expanded Cash Back facility. Prospective mortgagers can now access up to 10% of the purchase price, if the vendor only require a 15% deposit. Cash Back is given at this disbursement. ...
  1. When cash is given to the cardholder during a purchase, additional money being charged onto the card.
  1. “Cash-back” arrangements occur when the buyers, sellers and housing agents agree to increase the declared purchase price so as to enable the buyers to take a higher housing loan and/or to withdraw more CPF savings. ...
  1. A rebate to a player for being a member of the slots club.
  1. This is a one-off payment you may receive when initially taking out your mortgage.
  1. A feature where you receive a cash lump-sum when you start your mortgage - watch out for claw-backs.  Our broker will be able to advise you.
  1. This refers to the amount of the rebate given back by the casino's comp system. It's normally a (very small) percentage of the wager.
  1. money given back to the customer from the broker, but normally the lender upon completion. This is usually confirmed in the mortgage offer letter
  1. An amount of money, either fixed or a percentage of a mortgage, which you can opt to receive when you fully repay the mortgage. The catch being that most lenders who offer cash back are likely to get this money back through higher interest rates that they may have charged.
  1. An amount paid back to you when you take out a loan or mortgage, either a fixed sum or a percentage of the total amount
  1. A purchase for more than the amount of goods or services sold, whereby the Cardholder receives the difference in cash. These transactions are only allowed by specific MCCs (such as supermarkets) when a Debit Card is used.
  1. means that a percentage of your losses are returned to the player as a result of using there player card.
  1. Sallie Mae Cash Back^SM is a repayment benefit that allows Stafford borrowers to get a 3.3% credit or check when they make their initial 33 scheduled payments on time and automate their education loan account through Sallie Mae.
  1. Online Casino bonus paid to a player who has lost a certain amount
  1. A lump sum of money given by the lender when you take out their mortgage. It varies depending on the individual scheme, can be quoted as a set figure or as a percentage of the overall mortgage, and can, in some cases, be used to fund the deposit.
  1. With a cash back mortgage, your lender pays you a lump sum when you complete your mortgage. The cash back can be a fixed amount or can be worked out as a percentage of your mortgage. ...
  1. if we miss our delivery date
  1. Some casinos offer a cash back incentive to video poker players who belong to the slots club based on the amount of money they wager.